In this comedic short, the new Wordle producer derives immeasurable joy from watching people fail. Produced by Pig Apple for The New Yorker. Written and directed by Trevor Williams.
The Surrealists
Pig Apple’s original series tells the story of Salvador Dalí and the surrealist movement…if it happened today on social media. Episode 1
Vox / Gardein
“The Extra Indulgent Plant-Based Recipe Challenge” Branded cooking series produced by Pig Apple for Vox Creative that pushes plant-based recipes to the limits. Directed by Trevor Williams.
Vox / Starbucks
Branded series for VOX/Starbucks that highlights the joys of cooking with pumpkin spice coffee! Post-production by Pig Apple.
Faceblind Love
Pig Apple and Nerdist present: a screwball comedy about two faceblind roommates who hate each other but are also dating and don’t know it because… they are faceblind! Co-Written and Directed by Trevor Williams
Lupus Stories
Five part documentary series about inspiring lupus patients around the country. Created, directed, and edited by Trevor Williams for the Lupus Research Alliance.
Tula: Skin Talk
One of four branded spots produced by Pig Apple for Tula Skin Care in which we use a fictitious call-in TV show to talk about Tula Skin Care products.
Commercial Parody for UCB Comedy. SociaAir is proud to be the first airline that runs on social media. Directed by Trevor Williams
Good Job App
Commercial Parody for UCB Comedy. Introducing Beeps, a revolutionary new smartphone app that will change your life! Directed by Trevor Williams.
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