Five part documentary series about inspiring lupus patients around the country. Created, directed, and edited by Trevor Williams for the Lupus Research Alliance.
Keep Birth Control Free
We partnered with UCB Comedy and Keep Birth Control Copay Free to document three comedians who went to the White House to invoice Donald Trump for the cost of their birth control.
Tula: Skin Talk
One of four branded spots produced by Pig Apple for Tula Skin Care in which we use a fictitious call-in TV show to talk about Tula Skin Care products.
Confused about how the world works? This revolutionary new startup will send an authentic Millenial to your home or place of business to explain things to you! Produced by Pig Apple / Written and directed by Trevor Williams
Commercial Parody for UCB Comedy. SociaAir is proud to be the first airline that runs on social media. Directed by Trevor Williams
Good Job App
Commercial Parody for UCB Comedy. Introducing Beeps, a revolutionary new smartphone app that will change your life! Directed by Trevor Williams.
The Jane
The Jane is a short film created and produced by Pig Apple. It was an official selection of the Oscar-Qualifying Cleveland International Film Festival, Dances With Films Festival, as well as a finalist of the USA Film Festival and winner of “Best Screenplay” in the LA Indie Film Festival. It was released in April 2016 by UCB Comedy, and became … Read More
Chef’s Table
Trevor Williams wrote and directed this Pig Apple production, a parody of the Netflix series Chef’s Table.