
Pig Apple animation, best of, mack favs

“Helpful Critters” is a commercial created in collaboration with Doner and directed/animated by Mack. A 30 second version was shown on GSTV, a network that broadcasts content directly to gas pumps across the nation. A longer version was released online through Fiat’s social media channels.

Marc Maron

Pig Apple animation

Marc Maron recounts some of his favorite musician interviews, including talking with a shirtless Iggy Pop in his garage. Directed and animated by Mack Williams for Pitchfork TV.

Pig Apple animation

This commercial was directed and animated by Mack for Mandalay Sports Media and Sundance. Our favorite part is when all the food falls out of the sky.

NickMom On

Pig Apple animation

This show open was created for a series of specials on NickMom. It was animated by Mack Williams.


Pig Apple animation

The boys of Wavves steal cocaine from a drug dealer and have themselves some fun in Las Vegas. Directed and animated by Mack Williams for Pitchfork TV.

Waka Flocka Flame

Pig Apple animation, best of

This episode of Pitchfork TV’s Frames was fully animated by the Pig Apple crew, and directed by co-founder Mack Williams. It stars ATL rapper Waka Flocka Flame, and was inspired by the animated Peanuts shorts of our childhood. Also, Waka has loads of tattoos, and we wanted to figure out a way to incorporate those in the story. By zooming in to different tattoos, we … Read More

Amazon Yesterday Shipping

Pig Apple animation

This sketch, written by the Bilderbergers, was fully animated by Pig Apple. It has racked up over 800,000 hits to date. In fact, it was so successful, Amazon took note and hired the Bilderbergers and Pig Apple to produce another short about their new Amazon Lockers program.

The Melvins

Pig Apple animation, best of

King Buzzo of the Melvins recounts the odd details of their first ever tour. Animated and directed by Mack Williams for This short was inspired by the hundreds and hundreds of doodles that Mack drew in his school notebooks over the years.


Pig Apple animation, best of

This is the first episode of Frames,’s animated storytelling series, that we worked on. It features hip hop legend GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan.